Tuesday, 7 May 2019

gender performativity

gender performance - the notion of performing the characteristics commonly associated with a gender 

for butler, gender is not constructed from the moment of birth, but is something that is learnt and reinforced

sex and gender are different things; you are born a sex, but gender is constructed 

gender performativity - how the world reacts to your performance of gender

often disagreed with by religious groups and people with right-wing beliefs

  • Hitchcock's name is presented in a much larger font, reinforcing patriarchal hegemony - cultivates ideological perspective that men are more important and powerful, John Berger (men act, women appear)
  • images of hitchcock look stern and aggressive, which is a binary opposition with the kind and unthreatening facial expression of his wife - constructs a message of conformity and hegemonic roles within a relationship
  • "like snow-capped volcanoes" - objectification of women, adds a patriarchal expectation that women should appear prim and proper, yet be sexually active, the 'Madonna and Whore' complex is cultivated and reinforced through media and religion
  • a singular and restrictive representation of women is presented in order to construct a target audience (they are making the type of women that they are selling the magazine to); it is a deeply heteronormative representation, motivated by financial reasons 
intra-diegetic gaze - joe is looking at anita in a way that reinforces here sexuality (like the male gaze)

matty challenges gender stereotypes, as she is a tomboy and likes violence, this reflects the socio-historical context of the show 

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